Google ARA Tardigrade Biome
UX design for a Google Ara module app that lets users enage with a Tardigrade Aquariaum on their phones.
UX design for a Google Ara module app that lets users enage with a Tardigrade Aquariaum on their phones.
I worked with Midnight Commercial on a novel observable, microscopic Google Ara aquarium module that housed a tiny ecosystem of living microorganisms, algae, and tardigrades that users could view through their phone screen. The module combined state-of-the-art optics engineering technology, microbiology, and a meditation on how we engage with technology everyday.
Experience Design Features
We designed the language and tone-of-voice to speak to a user’s sense of wonder, connecting and existing with these tiny creatures.
App Flow
Project: with Midnight Commercial
Role: User Experience Design
UX Design Team: Noah Feehan (Creative Direction), Rebecca Lieberman ( UX Design )