Emojis for conversations around Climate Change

Climoji offer a visual vocabulary that aids and encourages conversations around environmental concerns and brings it into a usable pop-visual language system.

Popular culture has the capacity to connect audiences to difficult issues wordlessly, emotionally and with humor, as grave as the issues may be. We believe that as climate change enters into common language (including recognizable forms like emoji), the environmental justice movement’s issues of concern are reinforced.

The Climoji are designed to distill some of the causes and effects of climate change into tiny, potent icons. As emoji, these conversational tools enter the digital social space where online and smartphone users might encounter them with the same regularity as smiley faces.

Disasters Set

Resilience Set


We hosted brainstorming sessions with students and professors at New York University to collect different perspectives on climate change. We asked participants to draw their ideas on post-its, depicting climate change, both generally and topically (water, waste, emissions, injustice, plastic and more). 

In collaboration with Marina Zurkow
Supported by NYU Green Grants, in collaboration with NYU Office of Sustainability

Icons illustrated by
Manuja Waldia (disasters) & Anna Lin (resilience).
Android app developed by
Denny George.
Instagram filter developed by Viniyata Pany

Press: Washington Post, Brietbart, Newsweek, The Verge, Evening Standard, Earther, Huffpost, The Daily Catch, The Weather Channel, Neural Magazine, UN Climate Change, WWF UK, and more.

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